Treating skin irritations with Keroderm®
Keroderm® is suitable for the treatment of various and diverse skin irritations caused by external and/or internal causes that have unbalanced the skin’s protective barrier. Bacteria-inhibiting, nourishing and tissue-building active ingredients support the skin’s natural ability to regenerate.
Dry, chapped and fragile skin

The loss of moisture and oil can lead to dry, chapped and fragile skin. Areas of the skin that are exposed to environmental influences such as cold or dry/warm air without protection are particularly susceptible. But also wrong cleaning and care products, unprotected contact with cleaning agents, disinfectants or moisture (e.g. through frequent hand washing or wearing air-impermeable gloves) promote faster drying of the skin. Problem areas include in particular the hands, feet, elbows and the skin of the head and face.
Red, itchy skin

As soon as the natural skin protection barrier is disturbed, the skin dries out because of the escaped moisture, and the penetration of harmful substances and microorganisms is promoted. The resulting skin irritations (e.g. redness) often cause unpleasant itching. In order to relieve the itching, the stressed skin areas must be stabilised and regenerated as quickly as possible.
Inflamed skin

Inflammation of the skin is caused by external or internal influences, and indicates that the immune system is repairing the damage. The reddening of the skin is due to increased blood flow, the swelling is an expression of leaking fluid, and the scales form because of accelerated cell growth. These are all repair actions that the body takes to counteract the inflammation. Applying anti-inflammatory substances helps the skin to regenerate.
Impure skin

Blackheads (comedones) are caused by clogged pores, sit just below the surface of the skin and have a black head. The pore turns black when its surface is open and the accumulated sebum comes into contact with air. White pimples are also caused by clogged pores, but they are completely below the surface of the skin. Since they do not come into contact with air, they are the same colour as the skin. The small bumps can sometimes be painful. Dermatologists advise against squeezing blackheads with your fingers, as this damages the skin pores and opens them up to bacteria, which can cause inflammation. Multiple, recurring blackheads can be a breeding ground for pimples but can also be a sign of acne.
Pimples develop in a similar way to blackheads – i.e. as a result of clogged sebaceous glands. Fused hair roots can also lead to the formation of pimples. If white comedones do not break open and the sebum cannot escape, bacteria multiply and spread until inflammation develops. Pimples, also called pustules, are often red and hard and have a white or yellowish centre. As with blackheads, squeezing them does not help, but increases the risk of worsening the inflammation. Instead, you should regularly care for the affected skin areas with mild cleansers and pay attention to good hygiene. Zinc oxide ointments are a proven remedy for soothing pimply skin. They activate the defence and healing process of the inflamed skin areas and make the pimples disappear more quickly. In case of recurring and multiple pimples, a dermatologist should be consulted, because in such cases it is often acne.
Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. Young people in particular suffer from acne, but a high percentage of people worldwide also have to struggle with blemished skin. Acne is usually related to a hormonal or psychological imbalance. The inflammation can form on the surface of the skin as well as under the skin. The swelling can be associated with severe pain, as inflammation can spread to the deeper layers of tissue. The symptoms of acne mainly affect the face (especially the forehead and chin) and sometimes the décolleté, chest, shoulders and back. There are different types of acne, depending on the severity and symptoms. With timely and correct therapy, the condition can usually be treated well.
Nappy rash (e.g. sore baby bottom)

Babies who wear nappies often suffer from a sore bottom (nappy dermatitis). Reddened areas and small sores appear on the baby’s delicate skin, caused by acids from urine and bowel movements, which sometimes spread to the genital area and groin. The accumulation of wetness creates a warm and humid climate that softens the baby’s skin and attacks the natural barrier function, making the stressed skin susceptible to bacteria and fungi. A regenerating ointment soothes the stressed skin areas, has an anti-bacterial effect and brings appropriate relief.
Dry, chapped lips

Dry, chapped lips are caused by a lack of moisture. Moisturising with saliva only helps in the short term, as this evaporates quickly and additional moisture is thus withdrawn until the sensitive skin of the lips cracks. Nourishing lipsticks help to prevent this. If cracks have appeared for the first time, especially in the corners of the mouth, it is advisable to use a regeneration ointment with bacteria-inhibiting substances to accelerate the formation of new tissue.
Cold sores

Cold sores are a common and contagious variant of the herpes viruses that you carry in your body for life. These viruses can be reactivated at any time and cause a new outbreak. The painful and itchy blisters around the lip and nose often develop during mental or physical stress. A noticeable tightening or tingling sensation on the affected skin area is usually considered a clear indication that a new cold sore is developing. The earlier you fight the outbreak, the faster it can be stopped. Zinc ointments are highly effective for this.
Age-related skin problems

With age, the skin becomes thinner, flabbier, wrinkled and drier. The production of protective skin oils decreases, and blood circulation and thus the supply of nutrients to the skin is reduced, which means that the skin’s natural barrier function decreases, making it more vulnerable and susceptible to infections. Moisturising creams and lotions prevent infections and have a preventive effect. pH-neutral, mild substances should be used for cleansing. In addition, the natural regeneration process of the skin, especially in the case of small, superficial injuries and skin irritations, should be supported by appropriate products so that tissue regeneration proceeds more quickly.
Sore skin in the intimate area (external use only!)

Slight inflammations and small wounds in the external anal and genital area occur for different reasons. Ointments with zinc oxide and anti-bacterial substances have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote the regeneration of the skin. In addition, the moisture of the skin is bound, which prevents further softening and reduces the penetration of pathogens. Ongoing complaints or ones affecting internal areas should definitely be assessed and treated by a doctor.